Humanities and Social Sciences Branch

Extension 42814 (Direction dial 574-2814)

Extension 42813 (Direction dial 574-2813)

The Humanities and Social Sciences Branch Library is located in the first and second floors of section A of the Humanities and Social Sciences building. (NTHU Map)


  • Circulation、Information
  • Copy Machine、Scanner(A2、A3)、Computers
  • Reserved Books、Faculty Publications、Reference Books、Four Great Chien-lung Collection
  • Current Periodicals、New Books、Newspapers
  • Refreshing Corner、Popular Magazines
  • Discussion Room、Microfilm、Study Room、Reading Room


Books and Bound Periodicals、Computers、Scanner 、Copy Machine

Floor Layout

The book and magazine collections are mainly to assist the Humanities and Social Sciences students and staff on their researches and lectures. These collections focus especially on Chinese literature, Taiwanese literature, English literature, linguistics, Chinese intellectual history, Chinese cultural history, technology history, philosophy, social sciences, anthropology, economics, general social sciences and management sciences. At the same time we collaborate with Technology History Data Center and Contemporary China Research Data Center, enhancing technology history and contemporary China related collections.
