Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service whereby a patron is able to borrow books or receive photocopies of periodicals, books, theses, and other documents from other participating libraries through pre-arranged agreements. With this service, libraries resources can be shared and utilized to the utmost. Currently Interlibrary Loan is a free service for NTHU faculty, staff and students.


  • Please comply with the Intellectual Property Laws while using this service.
  • A borrower is responsible for any loss or damage to the loaned items.

Target User

This service is primarily provided to the students and faculty members of the school.

Status Interlibrary Loan Interlibrary Copying
Student and Faculty V V
Alumni with Library Card(With charge) V V
Alumni without Library Card(With charge) x V
Retired Faculty(With charge) V V
Emeritus Professor V V

List of Services

Step by Step

  1. NTHU Library: Look through the NTHU Library Catalog and E-Search system, and make sure that we do not have the desired material in collection.
  2. Others:

Submit your request according to the type of desired material:

  1. UST material: Use the UST Interlibrary Loan System or All 4 UST for borrowing or copying service respectively.
  2. Copy:
  3. Book:
  1. Upon receiving notice via e-mail, please pick up at the appointed information desk during service hours.
  2. If you have not pick up within 3 days after receiving the notice of pickup or the application has been overdue, the new application service will not be provided.
  3. Pick up before:
    • Copy: 30 days from the notice.
    • Book: Date of return
    • Patrons who fail to pick up before the above expiration date are responsible for all fees of the service, including application and postal fees. Patrons will be deprived of the privilege to access NTHU library and Interlibrary Loan Services until aforementioned fees have been paid.
  1. Patrons can keep the copies.
  2. Return the material to the information desk before the expiration date. Returning late will result in an overdue fee of 5 NTD/day. (may vary according to regulations of each library.)
  3. DO NOT put material into the self-service return machine or Book Drop. Doing so will likely lead to overdue and fees will be charged correspondingly.
  1. Fees will be charged for renewal
  2. Extending and borrowing again after return both count as renewals.
  3. Renewal must be requested before the expiration date. Requesting an overdue material will lead to overdue fees.


  • For materials that cannot be obtained in NTHU,fees will be subsidized by the library. Subsidy is limited to once per item per person.
  • Fees will be charged if:
    • Requested material serves no academic purposes.
    • Requesting material comes with excessive cost
    • Renewal and/or borrowing the same material again
  • Patron status is alumni or retired faculty Rates
    1. Borrow
      • Domestic:Application Fee (varies with the library materials are requested from) + 70 NTD Personnel Cost
      • Foreign:Application Fee (varies with the library materials are requested from) + Personnel Cost
    2. Copy
      • NDDS: Application Fee + 25 NTD service fee.
      • Document Delivery(RapidILL):5 NTD per page + 25 NTD service fee.
      • From Tsinghua University (CH): 5 NTD per page + 25 NTD service fee.

