已執行計畫 / 美國哲學



所屬學門 哲學
Project Discipline Philosophy
計畫名稱 美國哲學
Project Title American Philosophy
計畫主持人 趙之振
PI Chi-Chun Chiu
共同主持人 鄭喜恆、莊慧玲
co-PI Hsi-Heng Cheng, Hwei-Lin Chuang
執行單位 清華大學哲學研究所
Institution/Department Institute of Philosophy, NTHU
執行期限 12/01/2008~11/30/2011
Project Period 12/01/2008~11/30/2011
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 自二十世紀初以降,中文學界總有一些學者對個別的美國哲學家(如杜威、懷德海等)感到興趣;時至今日,也逐漸累積了一些成果。然而,以目前國內的情形來說,我們對廣義的美國哲學之研究,有一部份雖已頗深入,但是廣度與延續性卻仍嫌不足,尤其是對古典時期與較早時期的美國哲學,更見零落。由於研究領域分散,以及圖書經費長期不足的緣故,國內圖書館在美國哲學方面的館藏,遠稱不上完備。本圖書計畫之主要目的,便是希望能建立一個比較完整的美國哲學方面的圖書資料庫(包括顯微膠捲),以供各界教學與研究使用。我們對「美國哲學」採取一種比較寬鬆的理解,盡量涵蓋與美國哲學相關的圖書文獻,此中包括美國哲學史上重要哲學家的一手與二手資料;由於早期美國哲學之人物往往也是政治上、文學上或宗教上的人物,因此,為求完備,我們把一些不盡屬於嚴格意義下的哲學範圍之著作也蒐羅進來。其次,對美國哲學有重大影響的哲學家之著作,或美國哲學對之有所影響之哲學著作,在一定程度上也將納入我們的計畫。我們相信本計畫的圖書文獻不僅對美國哲學之研究者有極大的助益,同時對美國思想史、美國文學、美國宗教、種族主義與女性主義之歷史研究等領域的研究者,也是有相當的參考價值的。
Introduction Rising in the middle of 19th century, American Philosophy now becomes an essential part of contemporary philosophy. However, its local origin can be traced back to the Puritan thought in the 17th century, or even to the early Native American thought. In the second half of the 18th century, philosophy in America was heavily influenced by the European Enlightenment and closely associated with the political thought of the Founding Fathers of the United States. In 19th century transcendentalism arose and was succeeded by the Darwinian evolutionary philosophy as well as the St. Louis Hegelian movement. However, as well known, the most striking development in this period was the rise of pragmatism. From then on, the philosophical development in the United States has become more and more prosperous and all sorts of debates have continued incessantly. The primary objective of this library acquisition project under the auspices of The National Science Council is to set up a rather significant collection of literature on American Philosophy in a broad sense. It will cover as comprehensively as possible all the works by/on the major American philosophers up to the present. Works by the early political thinkers or theologians will also be purchased. The other part of the collection will cover works on the philosophical thought which has influence on or is influenced by American Philosophy. This publicly accessible collection will be valuable not only for those who are interested in American Philosophy, but also for those who works in the fields of history of American thought, America literature (such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman), historical studies of feminism and racism, American religion et al.