已執行計畫 / 歷史語言學



所屬學門 語言學
Project Discipline Linguistics
計畫名稱 歷史語言學
Project Title Historical Linguistics
計畫主持人 曹逢甫
PI Feng-Fu Tsao
共同主持人 張月琴、連金發、蔡維天、廖秀娟、謝豐帆、莊慧玲
co-PI Yueh-Chin Chang, Chinfa Lien, Wei-Tien Tsai, Hsiu-chuan Liao, Feng-fan Hsieh, Hwei-Lin Chuang
執行單位 國立清華大學語言學研究所
Institution/Department Graduate Institute of Linguistics, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2010~05/31/2013
Project Period 06/01/2010~05/31/2013
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 本圖書典藏計畫的目的是在現有藏書的基礎上擴充歷史語言學這個領域的藏書量,以達到具有完整、均衡而有系統的歷史語言學書庫,除了配合本所師生的未來歷史語言學研究取向外,並本著本校人社院圖書館以往服務台灣學術社群優異表現,發揚這個傳統,繼續為台灣學術社群提供更便捷而有效的服務。歷史語言學的範圍中所典藏的子題包括歷史語言學理論、語言演變、比較語言學、語言構擬、詞源學、方言歷時語音/音韻/語法/語意/語用演變研究、語法化、去語法化、詞彙化、語言類型學研究、語言接觸、混合(即克里奧)語、借詞研究等。本計畫擬採購的書籍包括歷史語言學領域的相關圖書、單刊,以及過期期刊。 
Introduction The purpose of the present project is to expand and upgrade the present collection of linguistics books and periodicals in the Tsing Hua CHSS library. In particular, we hope our efforts will result in a more thorough, well-balanced, and cutting-edge collection in the area of historical linguistics. This plan will not only foster research within the NTHU Institute of Linguistics but will also provide a more efficient, significant, and larger-scale service for the domestic academic community, a service for which the NTHU linguistics library has become renowned. In our proposed bibliography, we have paid close attention to a wide range of historical linguistics subfields, such as studies in historical/diachronic research,  language genesis, comparative linguistics, reconstruction,  proto(-)language, etymology, grammaticalization, degrammaticalization, lexicalization, language contact, contact-induced change, dialectal and diachronic grammar, creolization, pidginization, diachronic phonetics/phonology/semantics/syntactic/pragmatics, typology, language variation, loanword phonology, etc. Apart from books, some funds will be devoted to acquiring back issues of historical linguistics journals.