已執行計畫 / 英國漢學研究



所屬學門 文學I
Project Discipline Literature I
計畫名稱 歐美漢學研究I-英國漢學
Project Title European and American Sinological Studies I - British Sinological Studies
計畫主持人 陳玨
PI Jue Chen
共同主持人 祝平次、劉人鵬、蔡英俊、莊慧玲
co-PI Ping-Tzu Chu, Jen-Peng Liu, Ying-Chun Tsai, Hwei-Lin Chuang
執行單位 清華大學中國文學系
Institution/Department Department of Chinese Literature, NTHU
執行期限 12/01/2007~11/30/2010
Project Period 12/01/2007~11/30/2010
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 英國漢學發展的歷史,比起其他地區有其自己的軌道,從早期殖民的時代的傳教士,到當代中國的經濟社會的研究,到科技史、近現代文學乃至藝術史,都有自成一家的特色。英國漢學研究人員的外國學者的比率偏高,而英國的漢學家,也常常會到其他國家尋求發展。然而英國卻能掌握這個特色,在幾個重要機構,發展出跨國知名的學報及叢書,使得英國的漢學出版事業,成了英國漢學不容忽視的另一特點。台灣對於英國漢學的典藏在目前的情況下,應該是以追求完整為原則。因而,本計畫的第一年先建立較完整的英國漢學家名單,然後以作者為檢索詞所建立起來的書單,以分別英國和其他英語系國家的漢學著作。第二年的採購重點,則包括三項。1)英國早期因和中國接觸而產生的文獻,這些文獻有原始資料的價值,不管是對於瞭解中國或英國,都非常重要。2)重要出版機構、研究中心的出版的學報、以及系列叢書,由於這些出版品的重要性和其跨國界的特性,實可代表西方學界對中國理解的主流之一,完整的收集,非常重要。3)近二、三十年來西方人文學科的變化,帶進了新的研究視野、議題、與方法,這些新的成果,幫助我們瞭解漢學之外,英國對中國的理解,也是一重要的課題。
Introduction British sinology is an important member of the sinological world, and has its own trajectory. In the 19th century, the missionaries produced a large number of valuable monographs and other types of documents regarding China and its culture. In the 20th century, British sinologists developed a variety of approaches to explore Chinese economy, society, history of science, art history and literature. The British sinological circle has attracted many excellent scholars from other countries to work in the UK (for instance, Pier van der Loon moved from the Netherlands to Oxford). In the meantime, British sinologists are also interested in teaching in other countries in the English-speaking world, as in the case of Edward Pulleyblank, who moved from Cambridge to UBC in Canada. This sense of mobility creates a lively intellectual atmosphere for the British sinological circle and has become one of its positive features. Thanks to such an open-minded mentality, British sinologists, during the second half of the 20th century, produced such world class sinological book series and journals as Cambridge Studies in Chinese History, Literature, and Institutions and Asia Major (new series). Our strategic plan to establish a comprehensive collection of British sinological books, monographs, journals and other related materials is as follows: 1) to produce a comprehensive purchase list covering the entire period of its development, from the 17th century to the present day; 2) to collect all back issues of important academic journals published by British sinological institutions; 3) to pay particular attention to those sinological works that have incorporated new approaches from the recent development of Western Humanities and social sciences.