已執行計畫 / 帝國與海外文學



所屬學門 文學II
Project Discipline Literature II
計畫名稱 帝國與海外文學
Project Title Empire and Overseas Literature
計畫主持人 謝小芩
PI Hsiao-Chin Hsieh
共同主持人 柏逸嘉、廖炳惠 、莊慧玲
co-PI Guy Beauregard, Ping-Hui Liao, Hwei-Lin Chuang
執行單位 外國語文學系
Institution/Department Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, NTHU
執行期限 12/01/2007~11/30/2009
Project Period 12/01/2007~11/30/2009
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 國立清華大學外國語文學系希望能藉由這次國科會補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫,以「帝國與海外文學」作為主題,鞏固及豐富清華校內的圖書館藏。 我們目標是建立起一個獨特、合理、還有容易取得的研究資源,其中大部分為書籍,但同時也包括其他形式的資料,並且我們會以相關的議題作為購書的重點,如文學、帝國、帝國擴張、殖民主義,與後殖民研究等。 在執行計劃的過程中,我們會充分利用清華大學外語學系的經驗與長處:如我們在2006年八月統籌舉辦暑期外國文學營「帝國之文學」,該活動同樣也是由國科會 資助;而本校外語系研究所的研究方向也相當重視後殖民論述與海外文學(所上在2004至2006年當中,近半數學生的畢業論文都已此領域為主題);而清大 內人文與社會學院的圖書館也有豐富期刊以及有關後殖民研究領域的館藏,有益於此計畫的執行;我們還邀請到各個跨領域的,具備專業學術知識的教授(涵蓋英國 文學、美國文學、台灣文學、後殖民、與歷史等領域研究)協助與確保我們此計劃執行的成果。
Introduction This National Science Council library acquisition project will consolidate and significantly extend National Tsing Hua University’s library holdings on the topic of “Empire and Overseas Literature.” Our primary objective is to assemble a unique, comprehensive, and fully accessible collection of research materials—consisting mostly but not exclusively of books—with an emphasis on the interrelated topics of empire, literature, imperialism, colonialism, and postcolonialism.In executing this project, we will draw upon and utilize National Tsing Hua University’s distinctive institutional strengths. These strengths include: our experience organizing and hosting the NSC-funded summer institute on the topic of “Literature After Empire” held in August 2006; the consolidation of our graduate program’s focus on postcolonial studies and overseas literature (approximately fifty percent of our foreign literature graduate theses completed between 2004-2006 have been in these fields); the complementary strengths of our current library holdings—notably in periodicals but also in the field of postcolonial studies—housed in NTHU’s Humanities and Social Sciences Library; and the multidisciplinary expertise of our faculty advisors (ranging across the fields of British literary studies, American literary studies, Taiwan literary studies, postcolonial studies, and history) to help guide and ensure the success of this library acquisition project.