已執行計畫 / 東南亞史研究



所屬學門 歷史學
Project Discipline History
計畫名稱 東南亞史研究
Project Title Southeast Asian History
計畫主持人 黃一農
PI Yi-Long Huang
共同主持人 張增信、毛傳慧、莊慧玲、琅元、李貞德、邱馨慧
co-PI Tseng-Hsin Chang, Chuan-Hui Mau, Hwei-Lin Chuang, Alexei Volkov, Jen-Der Lee, Hsin-Hui Chiu
執行單位 清華大學歷史研究所
Institution/Department Institute of History, NTHU
執行期限 12/01/2008~11/30/2011
Project Period 12/01/2008~11/30/2011
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 清華大學歷史研究所自成立「近世中國與多元文化」研究所學程以來,即致力於中外交通與東西方文明交流史圖書資料之蒐集;今後將繼續在現有的圖書基礎上,以「季風亞洲與多元文化」為題,建立基本典藏,以期成為亞洲地區在此領域最豐富的收藏單位之一。而近期目標即為先加強充實東南亞史領域的藏書,故此研究圖書計畫將以「十六世紀以來歐洲人的海權擴張與東南亞世界」為主軸,作多元且深入的蒐集與探討。季風亞洲 (Monsoon Asia) 乃亞洲受季風影響的環印度洋盆與太平洋之大陸沿岸與島嶼地區;主要包括南亞、東南亞及部分的東亞地區。由於季風,使得這個地區成為人類歷史上一個極早且獨立的「地區體系」 (regional system);尤其在歐洲人東來後,更形成一特有的「多元文化圈」 (Multi-cultural Circle)。而無論就地緣政治、歷史文化或宗教的角度看,東南亞在季風亞洲中都扮演著銜接南亞與東亞以及融合東西文化的重要角色。誰掌握了東南亞,誰便掌握了整個季風亞洲的發展先機。這個地區原受印度與中國的文化影響極深,回教興起後,又迅速地被伊斯蘭文化所滲透;至十六世紀西力東漸,歐洲海上列強葡萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、英國、法國又相繼在此發展,可謂各據一方、互不相讓,直至二十世紀亞洲民主國家興起為止。清華大學歷史研究所為了進一步深化研究與大力拓展中外交通與東西文明交流的視野和領域,不但研究方向已逐步擴展至東南亞與季風亞洲,並積極徵聘各方人才加入研究團隊。目前擁有通曉近現代葡、西、荷、英、法、俄、拉丁文等語文的學者,乃國內唯一有能力突破十六世紀以來外文文獻瓶頸的專業團隊。因此希望經由本圖書計畫之經費補助,為拓展研究領域奠定基礎。
Introduction Monsoon Asia and Multi-Cultures: The European Maritime Expansion and South-east Asian World since the Sixteenth Century Following the graduate course of“Modern China and Multi-Cultures”was founded as a section in the Institute of History of National Tsing Hua University in 2003, the Institute has been since then endeavored to a book collection in the field of Sino-foreign relationships and East-Western cultural intercourses. Based upon this present foundation, the Institute is now keen to set up another special collection in the field of “Monsoon Asia and Multi-Cultures”. The target of this short phase is to first enhance the collection in the history of Southeast Asia, and“the European maritime expansion in Southeast Asia” and “Southeast Asian world since the sixteenth century” therefore become the main axes of our project of book collection. Monsoon Asia refers to all the coastal areas of South Asia, Southeast Asia, and partly East Asia which are deeply affected by monsoon; yet Southeast Asia has always been a key role between South and East Asia, no matter in the aspect of geographical politics, or history, or religion. Thereby, who holds Southeast Asia; who can control the conjuncture of the development of monsoon Asia. In history, Southeast Asia was first influenced by Indian and Chinese culture; it was then deeply penetrated by Muslim culture after the rise of Islam. Following the advent of European maritime powers, the likes of Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, and French separately occupied this area one after another until this very last twentieth century. In order to deepen and widen the prospect and scope of research, not only our direction has been extended to the areas of Southeast Asia and monsoon Asia on the one hand, but also our team work has continually been strengthened on the other hand in recruiting various experts in Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Latin and French. This book collection is to lay the foundation for our future studies, and it will result in a remarkable academic achievement in due course.