已執行計畫 / 心理人類學



所屬學門 人類學
Project Discipline Anthropology
計畫名稱 心理人類學
Project Title Psychological Anthropology
計畫主持人 呂玫鍰
PI Mei-Huan Lu
共同主持人 林淑蓉、莊慧玲
co-PI Shu-Jung Lin, Hwei-Lin Chuang
執行單位 國立清華大學人類學研究所
Institution/Department Institute of Anthropology, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2010~05/31/2013
Project Period 06/01/2010~05/31/2013
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 心理人類學 (Psychological Anthropology)為人類學的一個重要的分支,曾在1930-50年代以文化與人格研究而建立其在人類學知識領域的地位。進入1960年代,心理人類學與認知科學結合,關注語言與人類基本的心理-心智過程,例如從在地的分類系統來探討人類的心智如何運作,或理解人類如何從詞彙、象徵而推衍到行動或更大的文化知識系統。到了1970、1980年代,心理人類學開始出現更為多元化的探究問題的路徑與思考模式,包括民族心理學探究,從特定文化脈絡下的自我與人觀概念,心智、自我、身體、及情緒等範疇,也區分形式的、再現的與主體經驗的、日常生活的、意義建構的概念或心理機制之差別。本圖書典藏計畫,所涵蓋的範圍從早期的文化與人格研究,到民族心理學及語言與認知研究,而晚近則強調身體感知與情緒、情感研究,或探討非理性、無意識層面的問題。此外,我們也將包括精神分析理論、夢的詮釋與分析、以及精神疾病等的研究書目。本計畫以充實台灣心理人類學的圖書館藏為目的,希望藉由本計畫的執行,能對於心理人類學此一基礎性的人類學領域,引介並完備其出版方面的資料。本計畫第一年的目標,預計以英美地區心理人類學的新出版書籍作為主要的範疇,而第二年的重點,著重在歐陸與亞洲地區心理人類學方面的出版品蒐藏之上;第三年的計畫核心,則針對心理人類學各子題領域中經典書籍的蒐集,同時也針對核心性的心理人類學期刊,例如美國人類學學會底下所屬的心理人類學學社所刊行的Ethos,或是英國心理人類學刊物Culture & Psychology,來進行期期刊(back issues)方面缺口的補齊。
Introduction The purpose of this project is to expand and upgrade library collection on the subject of psychological anthropology at National Tsing Hua University. Psychological anthropology has been an important subdivision within the discipline of anthropology since the establishment of culture and personality school in the 1930s. The subdivision has then gone through various stages of growth and transformation since then. It incorporated human development and cognitive science traditions in the 1950s, studied native’ s systems of classifications in the 1960s, paid attention to the culture-specific interpretation about the following concepts e. g. body, emotion and personhood in the 1970s, and became concerned with the subject’ s lived experiences and psychic processes in the 1980s. As psychological anthropology deals with the irrational and unconscious domain of human life, the sub-discipline has increased its significance to further our understanding about society/culture and human nature. This book collection project is aimed to provide a more complete and thorough collection on the subject for the academic community both within and outside the campus in Taiwan. This is a three year book collection project. We hope to include the following themes in our collection: culture and personality, ethnopsychology, cognitive anthropology, language and human development, emotion and sentiment, the body and senses, dream and psychoanalysis, the self, personhood and subjectivity, mental illness, ethnopsychiatry, memory and narrativity. In the first year, we will collect the new publications on the above mentioned themes from the publishers mainly in England and the United States of America. In the second year, the monographs published outside the England-USA region, especially in Asia and Europe will be collected. During the third and final year, we will include dissertations from UMI and back issues of important journals (such as Ethos, Culture and Psychology) in our collection.