已執行計畫 / 古希臘哲學



所屬學門 哲學
Project Discipline Philosophy
計畫名稱 古希臘哲學
Project Title Ancient Greek Philosophy
計畫主持人 陳斐婷
PI Fei-Ting Chen
共同主持人 林福仁
co-PI Fu-Ren Lin
執行單位 清華大學哲學研究所
Institution/Department Graduate Institute of Philosophy, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2015~05/31/2018
Project Period 06/01/2015~05/31/2018
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link

清華大學哲學研究所102年獲國科會補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:古希臘哲學,得以系統性購入與柏拉圖及亞里斯多德哲學直接相關之校勘版、西元200 年至600 年的古代亞里斯多德註解及其現代翻譯、現代註解、雙語對照翻譯、研究專書與論文合集、以及重要的古希臘哲學期刊之過刊,為國內古希臘哲學在研究與教學層次奠定紮實的基礎館藏。104年古希臘哲學圖書計畫除了延續102 年規模之外,並具兩大典藏特色:一、在範圍與議題方面,不限於古希臘兩大哲學家柏拉圖(含蘇格拉底)與亞里斯多德相關研究,而擴展至先蘇時期與泛希臘化時期,以及古希臘哲學在羅馬時期、拜占庭時期,與阿拉伯世界之傳承與保存。二、在書籍種類方面,持續補全古希臘文與拉丁文校勘版,諸如Oxford Classical Texts 與Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries,整套雙語對照翻譯,諸如法語Collection Budé 與德語Sammlung Tusculum系列,以及深具指標性之古希臘羅馬百科全書Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft。此外,本計畫持續系統性地網羅古希臘哲學的研究專書與論文合集,尤其大西洋兩岸重點出版社的出版品,1980 年前具重要學術價值之出版品,以及加強2000 年以後的古希臘哲學之最新研究成果。

Introduction This two-year library project aims to establish an advanced research as well as teaching oriented library of Ancient Greek philosophy in Taiwan. Despite the limited budget of National Science Council’s one-year “Library Project of Ancient Greek Philosophy” in 2013-2014, National Tsing Hua University has made a well-selected collection of critical editions (containing a text closely approximating the original and apparatus criticus), ancient commentaries on Aristotle between 200-600CE, modern translations of ancient commentaries, modern commentaries, facing-page translations of Plato’s and Aristotle’s works, scholarly monographs, collections of essays, back issues of the first-rate journals in Ancient Greek philosophy. Standing on the firm ground that has been established, we employ two criteria for selecting books in this two-year follow-up library project. In terms of scopes and issues, we no longer center on Plato (including Socrates) and Aristotle, but substantially extend to Pre-Socratic and Hellenistic philosophy as well as Ancient Greek legacy (mostly translations and commentaries of Plato’s and Aristotle’s works) in Roman, Byzantine, and Arabic worlds. In terms of book types, we aim to achieve the complete collections of critical editions such as Oxford Classical Texts and Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, facing-page translations such as Collection Budé and Sammlung Tusculum, and the well-known German encyclopedia of classical scholarship Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. In addition, we continue making a special effort to systematically collect scholarly monographs and collections of essays that are published by first-tier publishers, or before 1980 but still valuable, or after 2000.