已執行計畫 / 美學



所屬學門 哲學
Project Discipline Philosophy
計畫名稱 美學
Project Title Aesthetics
計畫主持人 吳俊業
PI Chon-Ip Ng
共同主持人 黃文宏、林福仁、馬孟晶
co-PI Wen-Hong Huang, Fu-Ren Lin, Meng-Ching Ma
執行單位 清華大學通識教育中心
Institution/Department Center for General Education, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2015~11/30/2017
Project Period 06/01/2015~11/30/2017
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link



  1. 以哲學美學的思想史為軸線,拓展購置以當代歐陸美學為重點的圖書典藏。這將補足清大圖書館的原來館藏。對比去年以德、英的古典與近代美學書籍採購為主,我們本年會加強系統地採購法國哲學的重要美學著作,而除當代著作外,我們也會酌量補購古典法國美學之典籍。
  2. 除了美學史的向度外,本計畫將針對特定的美學問題領域,分別採購重要並有參考意義的研究論著。今年計畫將以過往對環境美學圖書之蒐集為基礎,繼續購置風景美學、自然美學、日常美學方面的主要論著。此外,我們於來年第二期的執行時,參考規劃委員的專業指示,於中國美學與東亞藝術研究的範圍內,系統地蒐集理論趣味較濃厚,哲學成份較強的論著。
  3. 最後,由於美學研究本來就有著跨學科的傾向,與其他非哲學的人文學科互動頻繁。本計畫將特別針對文化研究、文學批評、藝術學等學科,篩選當中較理論性和有豐富哲學含意的研究論著,收納於典藏之中。

This two-year project builds on the basis of the former one-year project on the same topic. It aims at establishing a well-balanced and comprehensive collection of books and other materials in the field of philosophical aesthetics. The collection will then serve our academic circle as a data base on which teaching and advanced researches, not only in philosophy but also in many other fields, can be done. While the last year project laid a groundwork of a proper collection, the present project will expand its collection in the following three dimensions:

  1. The dimension that takes the historical development of aesthetics into consideration. In contrast to the last year project that focused on collecting books from the modern period and especially aesthetics books from the German and English tradition. The present project will place a special emphasis on collecting books from the area of contemporary continental aesthetics.
  2. The dimension which deals with concrete and special topics in art. Our project will focus on research materials concerning problems of aesthetics of nature, aesthetics of landscape and everyday aesthetics. The collection in this part will be a prolongation of the last year collection of books on environment aesthetics. Besides, we will take advices from the two co-investigators and expand our collection on the area of Chinese and Japanese aesthetics accordingly.
  3. The interdisciplinary dimension which collects theoretic works on art and aesthetics from disciplines outside philosophy. From literary criticism, literary theory and art studies, we will select books which are more theoretically oriented and which have important philosophical significance or which have considerable influences on the history of philosophy.