已執行計畫 / 瀕危語言的保存與復興



所屬學門 語言學
Project Discipline Linguistics
計畫名稱 瀕危語言的保存與復興
Project Title Conservation and revitalization of endangered languages
計畫主持人 廖秀娟
PI Hsiu-chuan Liao
共同主持人 林福仁、張月琴、連金發、蔡維天、謝豐帆
co-PI Fu-Ren Lin, Yueh-Chin Chang, Chin-Fa Lien, Wei-Tien Tsai, Feng-Fan Hsieh
執行單位 清華大學語言學研究所
Institution/Department Graduate Institute of Linguistics, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2014~05/31/2016
Project Period 06/01/2014~05/31/2016
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 世界語種正以驚人的速度消失中。根據Krauss(1992)的估計,現今存在的六、七千種語言,在2100年左右可能有一半的語言會滅絕;如果嚴重的話,可能只有十分之一的語言會存活下來。有關臺灣南島語的存亡危機早經有識之士大聲疾呼,而中國也有接近50種語言(大部分是少數族群的語言)使用人口不到萬人,正瀕臨滅亡。然而,語言與文明的多樣性與物種亳無二致。一個語言的消失,意味著一個獨特的世界觀、數世紀的生命見證以及科學、醫學和動植物學等豐富知識的亡佚。

Krauss (1992) estimates that about half of the 6,000 (~7,000) or so languages spoken in the world would cease to be uttered within a century; in the worst scenario, only 10% of mankind's languages would survive within a century. Since the appearance of Krauss's paper, the issue of language endangerment has received a lot of attention from linguists as well as specialists in other fields because language endangerment is often associated with the loss of cultural diversity and biodiversity. Moreover, the loss of linguistic diversity typically entails the loss of numerous unique world views, the loss of traditional knowledge in medicine, culture, botany, etc.

In order to conserve and/or revitalize endangered languages, it is necessary for us to be familiar with methods and techniques that are particularly useful in documenting, archiving, and revitalizing endangered languages.

This project aims to enrich the present collection of books concerning endangered language conservation and revitalization in the National Tsing Hua University library. The focus of this project will be on theories, methods, and techniques involved in the documentation, conservation, and revitalization of endangered languages. Following Fishman's (1991) and Crystal's (2000) studies on endangered languages, our library collection expansion plan pays close attention to books dealing with linguistic ecology, language shift, endangered languages, bilingual education, language conservation and revitalization, mother tongue language teaching, etc.

It is hoped that the funding from MOST will help National Tsing Hua University build a more balanced, comprehensive, and systematic library collection pertinent to endangered languages. Moreover, it is hoped that the enrichment of our library collection in endangered languages will serve the need of the whole academic community in Taiwan.