已執行計畫 / 環境人類學袚


所屬學門 人類學
Project Discipline Anthropology
計畫名稱 環境人類學
Project Title Environmental Anthropology
計畫主持人 李威宜
PI Wei-I Lee
共同主持人 林福仁
co-PI Fu-Ren Lin
執行單位 清華大學人類學研究所
Institution/Department Institute of Anthropology, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2013~05/31/2015
Project Period 06/01/2013~05/31/2015
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 雖然臺灣近年來人文社會科學領域有關環境議題的藏書日漸豐富,人類學相關機構亦收藏為數不少的環境議題專書,但由於未能有系統地規劃典藏,因此從環境人類學的專業角度而言,仍然欠缺周延。本計畫希望突破這一藏書缺憾,因此規劃兩個採購重點:建立一套完整的環境人類學知識系譜發展的經典作品典藏,並全面蒐集代表二十一世紀環境人類學趨勢發展的新作品。此外,本計畫還有四個典藏特色:法語自然人類學、日本環境人類學、亞太區域環境民族誌、綠色空間的人類學研究。
Introduction Although collections of books on the subject of the environment in the field of humanities and social sciences in Taiwan are becoming richer and the various institutions of anthropological studies also have a large number of books on this subject, a systematic and programmed collection is still missing and remains incomplete in terms of environmental anthropology studies.

This project aims to fill this gap, and is planning as its two essential guidelines for its acquisition policy: first, to create a comprehensive collection of major works covering the entire  development  of  environmental  anthropology,  then  to  gather  new  publications representative of future trends for the twenty-first century environmental anthropology.

In addition, four specific areas complete this collection, and will constitute its major assets: anthropology of nature from the francophone world, anthropology of resources, food and agriculture in the Japanese language, environmental ethnography of the Asia-Pacific area, and anthropological studies on the green space.