已執行計畫 / 生物人類學



所屬學門 人類學
Project Discipline Anthropology
計畫名稱 生物人類學
Project Title Bioanthropology
計畫主持人 邱鴻霖
PI Hung-Lin Chiu
共同主持人 李匡悌 、林福仁
co-PI Kuang-Ti Li, Fu-Ren Lin
執行單位 清華大學人類學研究所
Institution/Department Institute of Anthropology, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
Project Period 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 近年來「生物人類學」的發展,隨著生命科學技術的發達而順竿上爬,是當今國際 人類學界蓬勃發展中的一個學門,舉凡國際知名科學期刊中的人類學相關之研究大多都 與「生物人類學」有關。許多人類學教科書中甚至已經將美國人類學傳統四大分支中的
析」等, 都成為生物人類學的研究範圍。
Introduction    In recent years the development of biological anthropology has flourished within the life sciences and anthropological disciplines, it has become an internationally recognized field of study with publications in major scientific journals and an abundance of highly regarded textbooks. Many anthropology textbooks recognize the four traditional classification of Anthropology, which include the subdivision of physical/ biological anthropology, this ‘term’ can be miss-represented to emphasize traditional aspects which only stress the human/primate stereotypical features of evolution and physical morphology. But the field of biological anthropology also contains "bio-archaeology" a subject more in line with the concept and definition of anthropology disciplines, traditional research areas such as ethnic origins, material culture, agriculture, , paleoethnobotany, archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, along with cross-discipline studies such as molecular genetics, developed by the life sciences community, and trace element analysis developed by the Earth science community.
Currently, the Institute of Anthropology requires a relatively small number of "biological anthropology" core classes for its Masters and Doctoral program, domestically this field of research is still in its infancy and has not developed over the last two decades when compared at an international level. The key factors for this under development are lack of talent, lack of related materials and lack of library resources. In the context of Tsinghua University, which has a reputation for science and engineering research, as well as a reputation for promoting interdisciplinary research, the disciplines of humanities and the social sciences have not developed to the same degree. This level of cross-study cooperation within the University can be promoted and stimulated through the acquisition of biological anthropological resources, the expansion of the research topics and training, and closer cooperation with other disciplines.
Based on the above considerations, biological anthropology should play a more important role in the studies of National Tsinga Hua University Humanities and Social Sciences departments, and should be well represented in the books and publications found in its library. With Tsinghua University aspiring to become a center of anthropological research, it must have adequate library resources for these studies in biological anthropology.