已執行計畫 / 美學



所屬學門 哲學
Project Discipline Philosophy
計畫名稱 美學
Project Title Aesthetics
計畫主持人 吳俊業
PI Chon-Ip Ng
共同主持人 黃文宏、林福仁
co-PI Wen-Hong Huang, Fu-Ren Lin
執行單位 清華大學通識教育中心
Institution/Department Center for General Education, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
Project Period 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
計畫書目 連結
Book List link
計畫簡介 本計畫的目標在於建立一個相對完備的美學圖書資料庫,以供國內學者的教學與研究之用。過去數年,國科會已先後就一些哲學專題,設有圖書計劃,也補助了若干藝術史和藝術學專業的圖書計劃,是以本計畫之規畫採購,將放眼國內美學藏書的現況下,充實清大圖書館原有館藏,補足缺遺,並兼顧不同的美學傳統,俾使清大圖書館館藏能躍升為一個平衡、完備和有相對自足性的美學圖書資料中心。

(一) 以哲學美學史為軸線,購置重要典籍的原文、英譯典藏,以及相關的研究文獻,時間則由古典至當代,但以近代與當代為主。我們的採購會兼顧分析美學與歐陸美學之所需,並酌量挑選日本與中文的美學論著。

(二) 除了美學史的向度外,本計畫也針對各個不同的藝術領域與美學範疇,採購重要及有參考意義的研究論著。就藝術領域而言,除傳統美學所側重的視覺藝術、造型藝術與文學藝術外,我們也會收藏影像、建築、音樂、舞蹈以及修辭學等等較專門類別之哲學美學研究論著。至於在審美的範疇中,我們會著重蒐集分析哲學中關於環境美學的論著。

(三) 最後,由於美學研究本來具備跨學科的傾向,而且諸如藝術學、文化研究、 文學批評、社會學、心理學等等學科中,也不乏純理論的、有豐富哲學含意的美學研究。為求完備,本計劃在資源許可下,酌量選購了一些其他學科中重要的理論性論著。
Introduction The main purpose of this one-year project is to establish a well-balanced and comprehensive collection of books and other materials in the field of philosophical aesthetics. It will then serves our academic circle as an archive which facilitates advanced researches on aesthetics, not only in philosophy but also other related fields. To achieve our goal, we focus especially on the materials of the following three dimensions:
1) The historical dimension which includes books from major figures and schools in aesthetic research. It covers the time span from ancient to contemporary philosophy, but places special emphasis on modern and contemporary aesthetics. We pay equally attention to the development of both analytic and continental aesthetics, but we also collect some important books on aesthetics research in Chinese and Japanese as well.
2) The dimension which focuses on research materials concerning philosophical research on different art mediums. Besides visual and literary arts, we give emphasis to collecting books and materials in the philosophy of music, image, architecture, dance and rhetoric. In addition, environmental aesthetics is one of our main objectives in collecting books in the area of contemporary analytic aesthetics.
3) The interdisciplinary dimension which collects theoretic works on art and
aesthetics from field outside philosophy. From psychology, art theory, literary criticism and cultural studies, we select theoretical works which have important philosophical significance or which have considerable influences on to history of philosophy.