已執行計畫 / 古希臘哲學



所屬學門 哲學
Project Discipline Philosophy
計畫名稱 古希臘哲學
Project Title Ancient Greek Philosophy
計畫主持人 張旺山
PI Wang-Shan Chang
共同主持人 陳斐婷、林福仁
co-PI Fei-Ting Chen, Fu-Ren Lin
執行單位 清華大學哲學研究所
Institution/Department Graduate Institute of Philosophy, NTHU
執行期限 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
Project Period 06/01/2013~05/31/2014
計畫書目 連結
Book List Link
計畫簡介 本圖書計畫從台灣整體藏書之規劃出發,旨在建立一個研究與教學並重的古希臘哲學館藏,供國內哲學相關領域學者之用。清華大學於 2010-2013年獲得「國科會形上學圖書計畫」之支持,添購古希臘哲學原典、古代註解(含 Richard Sorabji主編的 Ancient Commentators on Aristotle系列)與當代註解、雙語對照翻譯。加上清華大學哲學研究所自2011起訂購古希臘文獻全文電子資料庫( Thesaurus Linguae Graecae)、研究型專書、以及重要古希臘哲學過期期刊。在上述二者之基礎上,本計畫購書重點在於系統性提升國內的研究型專書之蒐集與館藏。本計畫具兩大典藏特色:一、議題範圍方面,以古希臘兩大哲學家柏拉圖(含蘇格拉底)與亞里斯多德的哲學研究為主,輔以先蘇時期與後亞里斯多德時期之哲學研究(但不含羅馬哲學),囊括含形上學、知識論、心靈哲學、邏輯與語言哲學、科學哲學、古代科學史與醫學發展、倫理學、政治哲學與美學等領域。二、書籍種類方面,優先補全國內館藏不足之古希臘文原典(含 Oxford Classical Texts系列與Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries系列)、古代註解(含 Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca)、當代英美德法重要註解系列(含 Clarendon Plato and Aristotle Series、Platon Werke與Aristoteles in deutscher Uebersetzung系列)、英 /法/德語-古希臘語之雙語對照翻譯(含 Collection Bude系列)、古希臘哲學之過期期刊(含 Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy)、古希臘研究之基礎工具書、以及古希臘文語言教材等。本計畫尤其致力於系統性地網羅研究型專書含論文合集,蒐集七家最重要的古希臘哲學研究型專書之出版社,輔以十二家重點出版社之學術出版品,並針對 1980年前的重要著作以及 2000年以後的最新學術成果,網羅大西洋兩岸重要學者之研究著作。
Introduction This project aims to establish a research-as well as teaching-oriented library of Ancient Greek philosophy in Taiwan. With the help of NSC Library Project of Metaphysics in 2010-2013, National Tsing Hua University has made a vast collection of critical editions (containing a text closely approximating the original and apparatus criticus), modern translations of ancient commentaries (including the series of Ancient Commentators on Aristotle edited by Richard Sorabji), and bilingual translations. Meanwhile, the Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Tsing Hua University has made a well-selected purchase of scholarly monographs, collections of essays, first-rate journals in Ancient Greek philosophy as well as Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, the online digital database of ancient texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in 1453, which had not been available in Taiwan till 2011. Based on what had been established, we adopt two main criteria for selecting books in this library project. First, in terms of scope, we center on Plato's and Aristotle's philosophy, supplemented with pre-Socratic and post-Aristotelian philosophy, which cover all the main fields in philosophy. Second, in terms of genres, we aim to acquire a complete collection of critical editions (including the Oxford Classical Texts, Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries), ancient commentaries (including the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca), modern commentaries (including the Clarendon Plato and Aristotle Series, Platon Werke, Aristoteles in deutscher Uebersetzung), bilingual translations (including the Collection Bude), all the past volumes of the first-rate journals (including Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy), reference tools for Ancient Greek research, and textbooks for learning Ancient Greek language. In particular, we make special efforts to systematically collect scholarly monographs and collections of essays that are published (a) by the most prestigious publishers, (b) before 1980 but still valuable, and (c) after 2000.