Violation Handling Guidelines

  • When patrons in the NTHU Library (referred to as "The Library" below) violate the library's regulations, patrons must be subject to penalty and a violation record.
  • Patrons that have accumulated up to 3 points of violation and above, will have their rights suspended and banned from entering the library from the 3rd point on. For every point, patrons will suspended for 10 days. Violation records, points, and suspension days are listed in the "NTHU Library User Violation List". Patrons that are not of NTHU will be permanently banned from entering and suspended when they have accumulated up to 9 points in their record or if their action is deemed serious enough for such consequences.
  • If the patron’s violation is deemed serious, the offense will be recorded by the library staff in the "NTHU Library Violation Processing Records". And the library must also notify the following units according to violation state and the identity of the reader.
    • The Gender equity incidents are reported to Gender Equity Education Committee.
    • NTHU Students:Notify the Office of Student Affairs and the department supervisor.
    • NTHU Staff:Notify the Office of Personnel and the supervisor.
    • Family Members of NTHU Staff (Under age 18):Notify the applicant of the Family Card.
    • Family Members of NTHU Staff (Age 18 and Above):Notify the Campus Security office and the applicant of the Family Card.
    • Students Not of NTHU:Notify the school of the patron.
    • Other Patrons:Notify the Campus Security.
  • These guidelines are regulated and revised by the library administration.
  • NTHU Library User Violation Item List
    Item Action Points Suspension Days
    1 Stealing 9 90
    2 Using forged/altered ID 9
    3 Sexual harassment, or offenses against gender equity 9
    4 Gambling, nudity, or other acts against good morals  
    5 Intentionally destroying library material and equipment 9
    6 Actions putting the library and users within the library in danger 9
    7 Leaving the library with material that has not been borrowed 6 60
    8 Entering with another person's ID or lending one's ID to another person 3 30
    9 Staying in the library after closing 3
    10 Smoking or drinking 3
    11 Using the library's public computers to set up websites, breaking the Intellectual Property Law, hazarding or interfering with system safety or network communication security, or destroying computer software 3
    12 Approved to photograph in the Library, but violate the rules of photography. 3  
    13 Carrying or using food, hard drink, or using non-alcoholic beverages with containers that do not comply with library’s food and beverage policy. 1 10(*2)
    14 Reserving seats with personal belongings 1
    15 Photographing / Video-Recording without application 1
    16 Disturbing library tranquility 1
    17 Entering unauthorized areas 1
    18 Taking off shoes, lying down, and other unsightly actions 1
    19 Behaviors affecting the cleanliness and sanitation of the library 1
    20 Breaking regulations and not heeding to warnings, showing bad attitude when caught 1
    21 Not adhering to the Intellectual Property Law while using the library's equipment 1
    22 Accessing pornography, playing computer games, using an IP address that is unauthorized, breaking the NTHU campus internet regulations, or conducting any commercial activity with the library's public computers 1
    23 Overdue use of lockers, or putting unborrowed or non-borrowable issues in locker. 1
    24 Taking photos, scanning, video-recording, printing, or any other action that allows one to copy special collections and school history data without application and authorization 1
    25 Not cleaning up personal items after using the library space 1
    26 Violate Library Spaces Guidelines 1
    27 Not listed here but an action against library regulations According to the Library
    28 Violate Covid-19 Prevention Regulations 1 Leave immediately and suspension for 10 days.

    *1:Users that are not of NTHU will be permanently banned from entering and borrowing if up to 9 points are recorded in one’s violation record or if the violation is determined to be serious enough for such consequences.

    *2:Violations record will be accumulated. Once the violation points attributed to one user is accumulated up to 3, the suspension will begin. One point of violation is equal to 10 days of suspension.
