Usage Guidelines for Graduate Students Suspended

  • Object
    NTHU Master and PhD students suspended
  • How to Apply
    1. Where to apply: NTHU Main Library 1st floor counter.
    2. Applicants need to fill in "NTHU Library Card Application Form (Suspended Graduate Students)" and have it approved by the advisor or the department chair.
    3. Library Card Valid Period: Apply within the suspension period, each semester as one unit. The expiration date for Semester 1 is 2/20, and for Semester 2, 9/20.
    4. Application Fee: 500NT per semester and a 3000NT deposit.
    5. Once the library card has expired and all borrowed material and fine made sure to be returned and paid, the Library will return the full deposit. Apply for a refund of deposit within six month of the expiration date. Deposit will be confiscated if not refunded within five years of card expiration.
  • Services and Relative Regulations
    • Graduate students in suspension must abide by the NTHU Library Reading Services Regulations.
    • Graduate students in suspension must abide by the Borrowing and Returning Regulations, and adhere to the respective regulations concerning library equipment, rooms & spaces.